Tuesday, January 11, 2011

One year 'til her Learners License....

That's a scary title, isn't it?

Brennan had a great 14th birthday! She loved being able to go to school on her birthday because it's never happened before. Every other year, her birthday has landed on the weekend, or during Winter Break. She really enjoyed walking through the halls and hearing everyone say "Happy Birthday Brennan!"

When came home that night, she was kind of bummed because Harrison had hockey practice, so she knew we couldn't take her to dinner. But I had another surprise for her. When the boys pulled in the driveway I went out to meet them and handed them each part of her surprise. Jason got a bouquet of flowers, Harrison got the balloon, and I carried the cake. We came in the front door and started yelling "Happy Birthday!" After dinner, we let her blow out her candles and then ate some cake. This kept her happy until we took her to Ted's Montana Grill on Thursday night.

She has grown up so much in the last year, in height and maturity. We are so pleased with the young lady she is becoming!

1 comment:

Jason and Nicolle Dunn said...

Happy Birthday Bren!! Sorry if I am a little late.