Wednesday, December 29, 2010

White Christmas!!

We had a great Christmas this year! On Christmas Eve, we had two stops to make: Irma's house for the Phillips family, then to Douglasville for the Casey family. Brennan got to see all of her cousins and got some cool gifts. We got home really late that night and had to go straight to bed so Santa could come.

On Christmas morning, the kids didn't wake up until 9AM....which was crazy because they were so excited. Brennan loved all her clothes, jewelry, shoes, CD, pajamas etc. She was a happy girl! Around 11:00, we were all getting ready to go to Nana Phillip's house when all of a started snowing! It snowed almost all day and we got a couple of inches at our house. The bad part was, we had to leave it to go to Nana's. We drove in snow the whole way there. It was snowing there too, but not as much as at our house. When we got there, we got to see the Cobb's and Aunt Linda and Uncle Louis. It was a great day!

We headed home before it got dark so the roads wouldn't be bad. Once we got home, we started a fire and played Mario Kart on the wii for a while. It did stop snowing in the evening, but the best part was the next day- there was still snow to play in! So, of course, the kids bundled up and went out for a while. Here is a slideshow of our White Christmas:

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