Monday, October 5, 2009

May the FORCE be with you.....

Fall Travel Ball is in full swing! Brennan joined a new team this season. They are also the Georgia Force, just with a different coach and different teammates. They got their new uniforms just in time for the first tournament! Boy did they look sharp!

We drove to Conyers early Saturday morning to play in the Children's Healthcare Fundraiser Tournament. We had 4 games and only won one. Two were close, but we didn't pull it out in the end. Overall, it was a good first tournament together. It was actually the first time we had all the girls together because there was always someone missing at practice. Brennan played shortstop, which she hasn't played since 10 and Under. She did great though! She threw out at least 5 girls and made several more perfect throws to 1st base. Her bat was on all day too! She didn't strike out at all!! Even scored a few runs....

Here are some of pictures that I snapped throughout the day:

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