Sunday, August 30, 2009

Back to School and more....

Okay, I know I am a little late finally posting the school pics, but I have a good excuse.....We have had 28 STRAIGHT days of sports! So, better late than never.....

Anyway, Brennan started 7th grade 3 weeks ago. She is still in Orchestra and playing the Viola. She is also staying in the Girl Scouts, which makes this her 8th year staright. She loves those girls and has become really good friends with them!

She is enjoying her 2nd year of playing Metro ball, which is where middle schoolers can play softball for the high school. It is a great program that gets them ready to play once they become freshmen....but we're not rushing that day to get here. She plays for Kennesaw Mtn. as a 2nd baseman and outfielder. The season runs through the end of September.

She also tried out for the GEORGIA FORCE 12B travel team and earned a spot on it. There is a link to their website to the right. They are already practicing and will start playing tournaments as soon as Metro ball is over. They will continue hitting lessons and Speed & Agility training during the winter months and continue tournaments March - July 2010. Oh , and guess who volunteered to be the team mom? Meeeee! Love it!

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