Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas 2009

Brennan had a great Christmas! She got most everything on her list....ipod touch, Sperry's, clothes etc.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Fall World Series Champs!

The Georgia Force played in the silver division of the CamSports Fall World Series on Nov. 21. They were undefeated in bracket play. It was supposed to be a double elimination tournament, but rain moved in before it was over, so they changed it to a single elimination. So, we won!! It was such a great day. The last game they played went into 3 innings of International Tie Breaker. Finally, we pulled it off!

The team met at Stevi B's the next day for luch and trophy ceremony.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Slideshow added!

I added a slideshow to the bottom of the page. It took several hours to upload all these pictures, so please enjoy them. It starts when she's a baby and goes up through last week. I will keep adding to it over time.

Here is a copy, but the one at the bottom will stay there even as I add more posts.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Happy Birthday PMMS!

Last week, PMMS turned 30 years old! On Thursday evening they held a ceremony in the Memorial Garden. Among the guests were past principals and teachers, current staff, Cobb County Board Members, parents and students. Refreshments were served and entertainment was provided by the Chorus, Band and Orchestra. Students were hand-selected by the music teachers and played in small groups. Brennan played her viola in a group containg four 7th graders. They played two selections: Soul Strings and March. We mingled and munched on brownies while waiting to hear our child perform.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Student of the Month!!

Brennan was awarded Student of the Month for October! They pick one student from each grade each month. She is it for 7th Grade. She recieves a free Chick~Fil~A coupon and of course, the honor of being PMMS Student of the Month!!

Monday, October 5, 2009

May the FORCE be with you.....

Fall Travel Ball is in full swing! Brennan joined a new team this season. They are also the Georgia Force, just with a different coach and different teammates. They got their new uniforms just in time for the first tournament! Boy did they look sharp!

We drove to Conyers early Saturday morning to play in the Children's Healthcare Fundraiser Tournament. We had 4 games and only won one. Two were close, but we didn't pull it out in the end. Overall, it was a good first tournament together. It was actually the first time we had all the girls together because there was always someone missing at practice. Brennan played shortstop, which she hasn't played since 10 and Under. She did great though! She threw out at least 5 girls and made several more perfect throws to 1st base. Her bat was on all day too! She didn't strike out at all!! Even scored a few runs....

Here are some of pictures that I snapped throughout the day:

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Back to School and more....

Okay, I know I am a little late finally posting the school pics, but I have a good excuse.....We have had 28 STRAIGHT days of sports! So, better late than never.....

Anyway, Brennan started 7th grade 3 weeks ago. She is still in Orchestra and playing the Viola. She is also staying in the Girl Scouts, which makes this her 8th year staright. She loves those girls and has become really good friends with them!

She is enjoying her 2nd year of playing Metro ball, which is where middle schoolers can play softball for the high school. It is a great program that gets them ready to play once they become freshmen....but we're not rushing that day to get here. She plays for Kennesaw Mtn. as a 2nd baseman and outfielder. The season runs through the end of September.

She also tried out for the GEORGIA FORCE 12B travel team and earned a spot on it. There is a link to their website to the right. They are already practicing and will start playing tournaments as soon as Metro ball is over. They will continue hitting lessons and Speed & Agility training during the winter months and continue tournaments March - July 2010. Oh , and guess who volunteered to be the team mom? Meeeee! Love it!

Monday, July 20, 2009

World Series 2009

We just came back from a week in Panama City! It wasn't exactly your normal vacation though. We were there to play softball! Brennan's team, the Ga Force, was one of the 80+ teams in their age group. We got into town on Saturday afternoon and checked into the Laketown Wharf. Which was conveniently located across from Pineapple Willy's! On Sunday, we spent the morning and early afternoon on the beach with the team. Later in the day, we went to Frank Brown Park for the Opening Ceremonies, Parade and Pin Trading. I think I was more into this than Brennan was! Each girl was given 50 Ga Force pins, so obviously I couldn't have her come home with all of those! She finally got aggressive and started trading. We had a towel airbrushed to put them all on and hang in her room (Great idea Tammie!)

We had our first pool game on Monday, and two more on Tuesday. We won 1 and lost 2. Here are some pics from the games:

Bracket games started on Wednesday. We lost both games and were put out by Thursday morning. There were some really good teams down there! Good thing we were in such a fun location though......we made the most of our last two days. The girls rode go carts, the banana boat, and spent lots of time at the pool and beach!
One night we all met on the beach and took pictures of the girls in their uniforms. They turned out really cute! Can you guess who the photogragher was??

Overall, we had a great time! Here are a few more pics that I took:

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Another great day at the ballpark!

Brennan's team played 5 games yesterday at Adams Park in Kennesaw. The first was a pool game (so it didn't count), and they lost. But Brennan hit a double on her one at bat!! Of the 4 games that counted, they won 2 and lost 2. Their bats were definitely alive for the first time in a while. We have been in quite a hitting slump lately, so all the parents were excited to see consistent hitting.

Brennan had a great day in the field as well. She played second base and made several good plays! She was so pumped up all day (even at 11 PM), making plays and talking to her teammates in the field. I think she has finally gotten comfortable in her position.

They made it to the Championship game, which was against the other Georgia Force team. It was so nice to have both of our home teams there in the final game. We took second place by a score of 7-2. All in all, it was a great day! Beautiful weather was just the cherry on top!

Sunday, May 31, 2009

What a great day!

Okay, I need a moment to brag! Two exciting things in Brennan's life today....

She had a tournament at Terrill Mill Park. We were up early and played 3 games total. During the third game, Brennan made all 3 outs in the first 2 innings!! It was hilarious, the other team just kept hitting the ball to 2nd base over and over. So she made 6 consecutive outs for her team! A couple of them were in-field flies, the rest were grounders. But no errors on all 6, I was so proud! She also didn't strike out all day, which doesn't normally happen. Her team didn't win but I felt like she did her part!

So then we come home and checked the mail and report cards were there.....and she did maintain her all A's and B's again!! That's 3 years straight...way to go Brennan!!

Friday, May 22, 2009

7th Grade, here she comes!

Okay, so we made it through 6th Grade! Her report card isn't here yet but according to the website she has all A's and B's....for the entire school year! That's 3 years in a row.
Here's a recap of her school year and a few pics to illustrate:

She played the viola in Orchestra and had 3 concerts.

She is still in Girl Scouts, totalling 7 years with the same troup and troup leader.

She played 2nd base for 2 seasons on the Georgia Force, 12 and Under Fastpitch Softball team.

Her team won 1st place this week in the School Olympics!

And she has had the same boyfriend, Ryan, since January! (Sorry no pics of them together) What a busy little lady. Good thing she can multi-task because it will only get busier as she gets older!

Here's a recent picture of her and Bella, too cute not to post!

Friday, April 17, 2009

*Easter at the Farm*

We went to Papaw Lamar's for lunch and had an egg hunt on Sunday. The egg hunt was in the orchard and the kids found them all in record time! On the way back to the house we let the horses out to visit. Brennan just loves those little guys. Good thing she isn't scared of Lucky (the donkey) because he is so nosey and like to be up close and personal.
Afterwards, we drove to Douglasville to catch the end of my families party. They saved the egg hunt for us, since we were the only kids there anyway. We ended up just hanging out, eating more and watching a movie. It was a beautiful day to be with the ones you love!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

New Uniforms!!

Brennan's team, the Georgia Force, got their new uniforms this week! They looked so sharp at the tournament on Saturday. Unfortunately, it didn't help their playing skills though. They lost 2 out of 3 games. Hopefully, their luck will change in 2 weeks when we play again!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Honor Roll for the 3rd quarter!

Just a quick post to say how well Brennan is doing in school. Report cards came home yesterday and she had all A's and B's. She was struggling with Science, but got it up just before the deadline! They are having an Honor Roll Party next week so that will be fun for her. She also gets to go to the "Demerit Free" Party another day next week.

She is participating in a Spring Jamboree next Thursday night with Orchestra, so I will post those pictures next week. She is one busy little girl!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

~March Madness Tourney in Carrollton~

After 4 looooooong months of no softball, Brennan finally had a tournament this weekend. She was really starting to miss it and it showed! We were driving past Lost Mtn Park a couple of weeks ago and the lights were on for softball fields. As we drove by, she whispered (to herself),"It's okay Brennan, not much longer." It was so cool to see how much she wanted to play.

So ANYWAY, it was the most beautiful day to be outside, and we definitely got the most of it! We left for Carrollton at 7 AM. Once we got to the park, we didn't leave until it was all over at 11:00 PM. She played in 5 games, winning 3 and losing 2. Her team took 3rd place, out of 7 teams. Brennan played second base all day and had a great day in the field! She caught quite a few pop ups and even made a double play, all by herself! We are still working on her batting. She had a few strikeouts today, but also got walked and bunted a few times too. All in all, it was a good day!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

A Hair Raising Experience.......

Well, we played beauty shop tonight! Like most kids, when they get something new they have to use it NOW!!! So, after we got home from the movies, I put highlights in Brennan's hair. I've never done this before, but I have had it done many, many times over the past several how hard could it be? I read the directions step-by-step and followed them to a T. We had to yell for Jason to take pictures throughout the process and he thought we were crazy! But this is a big deal-a girl's first major hair treatment! We pulled it through a cap and everything. Brennan was a little antsy, she kept asking if I was done yet and how much longer???

Here are some pictures to help give a visual:

Finally finished...

blow dried and

flat ironed!