Friday, July 23, 2010

~World Series~2010~

Well, yet another travel ball season has come to an end. We traveled to Panama City last week for the World Series! This is always a fun (and exhausting) trip for everyone. Jason was able to go with us this year, so that was even better! We drove down late Friday night and arrived at 1:30 in the morning. Since we stayed in a house (owned by my friend Laurlelyn's parents), we were able to go early. The rest of the team stayed at The Shores of Panama, beside Pineapple Willy's. It was a 15 minute drive to get to their condo, but it was worth it !$!$ Anyway, on Saturday we slept in, bought groceries, then headed to the condo to see the team as they arrived. The girls hung out on the beach and swam in the huge pool.

On Sunday, we did more swimming, then had to get ready for the Parade and Opening Ceremonies. The team met at the park so that we could give them their goodie bags. They got so many cool things: monogram beach towel, golf towel for trading pins, cosmetic bags, sunglasses and much more!

They had 3 pool games on Monday and Tuesday... won 2 and lost 1. Bracket play started on Wednesday and here's how it went.....WIN, WIN, LOSE, WIN, LOSE....So we helped send 3 teams home before we were put out on Friday afternoon. After that game, we went to the condo and had one last swim before time to go home on Saturday. We are still waiting for the final standings to post, but we think they took around 25th out of 107 teams! Here are a few other pics from the week:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

brennan so sexy. masturbating on her picture is wonderful. would love being in her pussy or ass and fucking so long so hard.