Sunday, August 17, 2008

School Update

Over Spring Break, Brennan's Girl Scout Troop went to Savannah. I was able to go on this trip and we had a blast! We toured Juliette Low's house and the first Girl Scout Headquarters. We also went on a Dolphin Tour, a Treasure Hunt on the beach, and walked around Savannah. The picture above was taken in a courtyard at Juliette Low's house.
Over the summer we took our family vacation to Gulf Shores and took ots of beach pictures. The one shown above was taken there. Brennan went tubing on the back of Uncle Mike's boat, went to Waterville and bought a turtle! Her name is Emily and she is so cute. We have since adopted Stephanie's 2 turtles as well.
Well Brennan finished up 5th grade with all A's all year! She started middle school last week and is loving it! First of all, she gets to sleep an hour later. Second, she changes classes. And finally, she has a locker! She actually has a lot of her girl scout friends in her classes. Strangely, she as gone 6 years with only 1 girl scout in her class. She tried out for Band and Orchestra, and has decided to join Orchestra and play the Viola. It's like the Violin, but longer. Luckily the school has these and we don't have to buy one.

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