Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Opening Day, March 10, 2007

Saturday was a busy day for Brennan. She had Opening Day ceremonies at Kennworth Park, and a double header to follow. Needless to say, we were at the ballpark for 7 hours!! The ceremony was neat, the high school ROTC presented the flags while the chorus sang the National Anthem and we all said the pledge. Then the board members spoke about how the league grew from 99 girls to 276 girls in one season. That's huge for a leagues that's only been up and running since August. All the girls stood out on the field, by team, during the ceremony to be recognized. To close the cermony, the Cobb County Parks and Rec Director threw out the first pitch. It was actually very moving to see all these girls so committed to the sport.

Afterwards, we stayed at the park to warm up for the first game. The first game was quite a disappointment as a whole, BUT Brennan played great. Most of the girls on her team were very intimidated by the pitcher, because she was older (and bigger). They were not swinging at her pitches, or if they did, it was late. We had a lot of strike outs. Brennan was the ONLY girl to make it safey to first base...the ENTIRE game. And she stole second and third to boot! Unfortunately, the next batter struck out, which was the third out, so Brennan couldn't score! Final score 8-0....OUCH!!

They took the field again, after a ten minute break, and played much better. They started swinging their bats, making nice plays in the field and scoring runs! Brennan is an outfielder, she made a few stops, chased down a couple of balls that went over her head, got an RBI on her hit, and made it home to score another point! In the last inning, coach let her play third base and she tagged a girl out who was trying to steal third. We were so proud! Final score...Bandits WIN 6-2!!

1 comment:

kristen meers said...

Way to go Brennan! It sounds like you are getting really good at softball. I need to get a copy of your schedule so I can come cheer you on. I hope you're enjoying school and all your activities :o)