Sunday, August 17, 2008

Softball news...

Brennan was on the Kennworth Bandits for the Spring. They had a great season, two 1st place trophies and two 2nd place! She had so much fun on this team and became a very good outfielder. They ended the season in Pigeon Forge, TN. We stayed in The Inn at Christmas Place, which is a really cool hotel! The girls loved swimming in the pools and had fun decorating the cars with white shoe polish. GO BANDITS!! They didn't show very well in this tournament, but oh well, we had fun!

Right after this trip, she tried out for the Kennesaw Mountain High School Metro Team. They had about 20 girls show up. They wanted to have two teams, Gold and Bronze. With such a slim turnout, they had enough for one team, a Gold. They chose Brennan as one of the 12 players! It is compiled of six 8th graders, one 7th grader, and five 6th graders. They have already played in a pre-season tournament and went 3-1. They have played two season games and are 1-1. She doesn't get a ton of playing time, being one of the youngest, but it's a great experience!

She has also tried out for (and made) a new travel team, the Georgia Force. Her old team has decided to move up and she is not ready for that yet. They will start practicing for the rest of the month and will play in September.

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