Monday, July 20, 2009

World Series 2009

We just came back from a week in Panama City! It wasn't exactly your normal vacation though. We were there to play softball! Brennan's team, the Ga Force, was one of the 80+ teams in their age group. We got into town on Saturday afternoon and checked into the Laketown Wharf. Which was conveniently located across from Pineapple Willy's! On Sunday, we spent the morning and early afternoon on the beach with the team. Later in the day, we went to Frank Brown Park for the Opening Ceremonies, Parade and Pin Trading. I think I was more into this than Brennan was! Each girl was given 50 Ga Force pins, so obviously I couldn't have her come home with all of those! She finally got aggressive and started trading. We had a towel airbrushed to put them all on and hang in her room (Great idea Tammie!)

We had our first pool game on Monday, and two more on Tuesday. We won 1 and lost 2. Here are some pics from the games:

Bracket games started on Wednesday. We lost both games and were put out by Thursday morning. There were some really good teams down there! Good thing we were in such a fun location though......we made the most of our last two days. The girls rode go carts, the banana boat, and spent lots of time at the pool and beach!
One night we all met on the beach and took pictures of the girls in their uniforms. They turned out really cute! Can you guess who the photogragher was??

Overall, we had a great time! Here are a few more pics that I took: