Sunday, May 31, 2009

What a great day!

Okay, I need a moment to brag! Two exciting things in Brennan's life today....

She had a tournament at Terrill Mill Park. We were up early and played 3 games total. During the third game, Brennan made all 3 outs in the first 2 innings!! It was hilarious, the other team just kept hitting the ball to 2nd base over and over. So she made 6 consecutive outs for her team! A couple of them were in-field flies, the rest were grounders. But no errors on all 6, I was so proud! She also didn't strike out all day, which doesn't normally happen. Her team didn't win but I felt like she did her part!

So then we come home and checked the mail and report cards were there.....and she did maintain her all A's and B's again!! That's 3 years straight...way to go Brennan!!

Friday, May 22, 2009

7th Grade, here she comes!

Okay, so we made it through 6th Grade! Her report card isn't here yet but according to the website she has all A's and B's....for the entire school year! That's 3 years in a row.
Here's a recap of her school year and a few pics to illustrate:

She played the viola in Orchestra and had 3 concerts.

She is still in Girl Scouts, totalling 7 years with the same troup and troup leader.

She played 2nd base for 2 seasons on the Georgia Force, 12 and Under Fastpitch Softball team.

Her team won 1st place this week in the School Olympics!

And she has had the same boyfriend, Ryan, since January! (Sorry no pics of them together) What a busy little lady. Good thing she can multi-task because it will only get busier as she gets older!

Here's a recent picture of her and Bella, too cute not to post!