Thursday, September 20, 2007

Back to School

I can't believe that she is in 5th grade already! She absolutely LOVES her teacher. She brought home her Progress Report yesterday and has all A' and B's...YEAH!!

Girl Scouts are back in full swing too! Their first meeting was on Tuesday. They have planned a trip to Savannah over Spring Break to visit Juliet Lowe's house. She founded the Girl Scouts, so this is very exciting for the girls. Cookie orders begin in January!!

Softball, Softball, Softball

Well, it's that time of year again! A new season has begun. Brennan actually got back on the same team from the Spring, but several girls have moved up. So she is now one of the older girls and has moved into a permanent infield position. She has played short stop for the two games we've had so far, and she's done great! Her hitting is improving and she's worked her way up to the first batter position. She has shown interest in pitching and has done a few workouts with one of the coaches and we've been practicing at home as well. If she wants to really try it, we'll start lessons later in the fall.

Last Sunday, she tried out for a 10U travel team and we found out on Monday night that they want her to join their team. Of course we accepted, realizing the commitment that it will take from us, as well as Brennan. She is so excited and will actually start practicing with them this weekend. They will play tournaments, beginning in March all the way through the end of July. I think this will be a wonderful opportunity for her to learn so much and make more friends.