Thursday, December 15, 2011

No More Brace Face (:

On Wednesday, Dec. 14, 2011 Brennan got her braces off! She was so excited when I texted her at school to tell her that I had to move her appointment to a week earlier because of a schedule conflict. They took off the brackets, cleaned the cement, made impressions for her retainers and made her temporary retainers. She came straight to my office for a cleaning and xrays, which showed NO CAVITIES!! She is so happy to have pretty, straight, white teeth and a beautiful smile.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Finally a REAL Mustang!

Brennan is officially a high schooler and a true Mustang! She made the JV softball team over the summer and starting practicing with them. Their first game was on the second day of school. Some highlights include: Kickoff Banquet, Mustang Mom Game, Cancer Awareness Game, Second Place in the JV tournament, watching Varsity go on to State, and of course-making lots of new friends!

On a personal note, Brennan earned her spot as the starting Second Baseman, made some amazing plays in the field, had several beautiful bunts, and a few nice line drives that resulted in RBI's. She has really flourished as a ball player and we are excited to see what the next few years have in store for her.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

I'm a little late posting this, but 8th grade is over! Brennan had a great year, we are so proud of her. This year was sooo busy and rewarding! She played Metro softball in the fall for the Kennesaw Mountain HS Mustangs. She played second base and outfield. Brennan also continued playing the Viola in the Orchestra for the first semester. She decided to give it up when second semester started, which was fine with us because she just didn't love it anymore.

The huge event this year was the 8th Grade Dance. We bought her dress in January and it was absolutely gorgeous! I thought it would be fun if I did her nails, hair and makeup. We practiced her hair twice the week of the dance so I could figure out what we wanted it to look like. It turned out perfect! We went to a friend's house before the dance with a bunch of other kids to take pictures. Then, they all went to another friend's house for dinner. She had a great time at the dance and then went to another friend's house for the after-party.

Brennan maintained all A's and B's the entire school year AND Perfect Attendance. The end of the year Award Ceremony was held at KMHS, which was cool.

So, now she is enjoying her summer, playing travel ball and getting ready for high school.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

One year 'til her Learners License....

That's a scary title, isn't it?

Brennan had a great 14th birthday! She loved being able to go to school on her birthday because it's never happened before. Every other year, her birthday has landed on the weekend, or during Winter Break. She really enjoyed walking through the halls and hearing everyone say "Happy Birthday Brennan!"

When came home that night, she was kind of bummed because Harrison had hockey practice, so she knew we couldn't take her to dinner. But I had another surprise for her. When the boys pulled in the driveway I went out to meet them and handed them each part of her surprise. Jason got a bouquet of flowers, Harrison got the balloon, and I carried the cake. We came in the front door and started yelling "Happy Birthday!" After dinner, we let her blow out her candles and then ate some cake. This kept her happy until we took her to Ted's Montana Grill on Thursday night.

She has grown up so much in the last year, in height and maturity. We are so pleased with the young lady she is becoming!