Sunday, March 22, 2009

New Uniforms!!

Brennan's team, the Georgia Force, got their new uniforms this week! They looked so sharp at the tournament on Saturday. Unfortunately, it didn't help their playing skills though. They lost 2 out of 3 games. Hopefully, their luck will change in 2 weeks when we play again!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Honor Roll for the 3rd quarter!

Just a quick post to say how well Brennan is doing in school. Report cards came home yesterday and she had all A's and B's. She was struggling with Science, but got it up just before the deadline! They are having an Honor Roll Party next week so that will be fun for her. She also gets to go to the "Demerit Free" Party another day next week.

She is participating in a Spring Jamboree next Thursday night with Orchestra, so I will post those pictures next week. She is one busy little girl!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

~March Madness Tourney in Carrollton~

After 4 looooooong months of no softball, Brennan finally had a tournament this weekend. She was really starting to miss it and it showed! We were driving past Lost Mtn Park a couple of weeks ago and the lights were on for softball fields. As we drove by, she whispered (to herself),"It's okay Brennan, not much longer." It was so cool to see how much she wanted to play.

So ANYWAY, it was the most beautiful day to be outside, and we definitely got the most of it! We left for Carrollton at 7 AM. Once we got to the park, we didn't leave until it was all over at 11:00 PM. She played in 5 games, winning 3 and losing 2. Her team took 3rd place, out of 7 teams. Brennan played second base all day and had a great day in the field! She caught quite a few pop ups and even made a double play, all by herself! We are still working on her batting. She had a few strikeouts today, but also got walked and bunted a few times too. All in all, it was a good day!